Events & Médias

Events Calendar

A Few Words

Le Train de Dialogue des Jeunes des Deux Rives

The events of the observatory of communication and migration for Moroccans of the world are a diverse range of activities and initiatives designed to support and empower the Moroccan diaspora globally. These events include seminars, workshops, cultural events, and community outreach programs, among others. Our events are open to all members of the Moroccan diaspora and are designed to provide opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and engagement with key issues related to migration and integration. Through our events, we aim to promote social cohesion, celebrate cultural diversity, and enhance the well-being of Moroccan migrants around the world

Jamal Eddine Ryane,
A Few Words

Médias & Migration

The conferences of the observatory of communication and migration for Moroccans of the world are events that bring together experts, scholars, and stakeholders to discuss and exchange ideas about issues related to Moroccan migration and the Moroccan diaspora. These conferences aim to promote knowledge sharing, highlight innovative approaches, and explore potential solutions to the challenges faced by the Moroccan diaspora globally. Through these conferences, we aim to foster collaboration and build networks among researchers, policymakers, community leaders, and members of the general public, with the goal of advancing understanding and enhancing the well-being of Moroccan migrants around the world.

Ouagrar Nadia,
Commuincation director & Consultant

Plus de solidarité avec les MRE

The interview about the observatory of communication and migration for Moroccans of the world is a conversation with a journalist or other interested party about the observatory’s mission, activities, and impact. During the interview, we will discuss the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Moroccan migrants around the world, and the observatory’s efforts to support and empower the Moroccan diaspora globally. We will also explore the observatory’s key initiatives, such as the migration seminar, and discuss the broader social and economic impacts of Moroccan migration on both Morocco and the countries of residence. This interview is an opportunity to engage in a meaningful dialogue about the important work that the observatory is doing, and to share our vision for a strong and vibrant global Moroccan community

Jamal Eddine Ryane,
A Few Words

Migration seminar

The migration seminar of the observatory of communication and migration for Moroccans of the world is a series of events designed to promote dialogue and understanding around issues related to migration and the Moroccan diaspora. These seminars bring together researchers, policymakers, community leaders, and members of the general public to share knowledge, perspectives, and experiences on a range of topics related to migration, including integration, cultural identity, and social and economic impacts. The migration seminar is an important platform for fostering collaboration and building bridges between different stakeholders, and is a key initiative in our efforts to support and empower the Moroccan diaspora globally.

Jamal Eddine Ryane,



The videotheque is a collection of videos that showcase the experiences, stories, and perspectives of Moroccan migrants around the world

Press kit

The press kit is designed to provide journalists and other interested parties with the information and resources they need to accurately and effectively report on issues related to Moroccan migration and the observatory’s activities.


Why Our Observatory ?

The observatory of communication and migration for Moroccans of the world was created to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Moroccan migrants around the world. Our observatory provides a platform for Moroccans to connect, share information and resources, and access support and guidance on issues related to migration, integration, and other concerns that may impact their well-being. We believe that by working together and leveraging our collective knowledge and expertise, we can create a stronger and more vibrant global Moroccan community that is empowered to contribute to the development of Morocco and their countries of residence. Our observatory is uniquely positioned to provide tailored and culturally relevant resources and services to the Moroccan diaspora, and we are committed to advocating for the rights and interests of Moroccan migrants on a global scale.

The say about us
La conférence Internationale : Médias & Migration​
The say about us
Le Train de Dialogue des Jeunes des Deux Rives
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Events & Achievements
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Years of Experience
Great Members

Our Members

Our Members love what they do, and that's what makes them so special.

The members of the observatory of communication and migration for Moroccans of the world are a diverse group of individuals and organizations committed to supporting and empowering the Moroccan diaspora globally. Our members include academics, researchers, community leaders, policymakers, and individuals from all walks of life who share a common goal of promoting the well-being of Moroccan migrants around the world. As a member of the observatory, individuals and organizations have access to a range of resources and opportunities to engage with the Moroccan diaspora and contribute to the development of innovative solutions to the challenges faced by Moroccan migrants globally. By joining the observatory, members become part of a dynamic and inclusive network dedicated to promoting the interests of the Moroccan diaspora on a global scale.
